PlanetAMD64 Announces "Worlds First Skinning Contest Dedicated to the 64-bit x64 Computer".
Published on May 2, 2005 By Stardock Central In WinCustomize News

This just in from }SkOrPn--, Administrator of  PlanetAMD64. With support and prizes from AMD, ATI and Stardock, PlanetAMD64 will be hosting a WindowBlinds skinning contest, intended to create skins based on the AMD64 and Windows XP x64 theme.

Official Announcement:

"We here at the Planet would like to announce the world's first WindowBlinds x64 Skinning Contest for Windows XP x64 Edition. If you would like to enter the contest please visit the official Skinning Forum for information on how you can win thousands of dollars worth of prizes. Good luck to all who enter and may the artistic force be with you."

Contest Rules:

Each participant MUST enter a minimum of 2 skins, and a maximum of 3 skins, but they cannot be in the same category i.e. one Windows x64 skin and one AMD64 skin.
Skins MUST include an original Windows x64 or AMD64 themed wallpaper designed by the author of the skin to be considered dedicated to the theme, i.e Window XP x64 or AMD64. (Note: If you do not want to use one of the two just suggested we are allowing one replacement skin dedicated to our site).

Each contestant may upload as many skins as you desire to the public Downloads section and they do not have to be WindowBlinds skins either so long as they work on Windows XP x64 Edition. But for the contest a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 can be submitted for review and ALL three MUST be WindowBlinds skins. After careful review of each skin, we will submit only one of your WindowBlinds skins for final voting, so make ALL entries your very best work. Yes, that is three chances you have to get it right. All skins submitted become the property of PlanetAMD64. Authors will retain ownership of the designs but ALL submitted skins stays with us.


1st Place: Socket 939 Athlon 64 4000+, 2.4 GHz, 1MB L2 Cache 64-bit Processor - Retail Box. Subscription to Object Desktop and TotalGaming.Net. PlanetAMD64 T-Shirt. ATI Radeon X850XT 256MB AGP or ATI Radeon X800 XL 256MB PCI-E, Full Licensed Version of Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.

2nd Place: ATI Radeon X850XT 256MB AGP or ATI Radeon X800 XL 256MB PCI-E (First place winner will have the choice of video card). Subscription to Object Desktop, PlanetAMD64 T-Shirt and Full Licensed Version of Micorsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.

3rd Place: Subscription to Object Desktop, PlanetAMD64 T-Shirt and Full Licensed Version of Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.

4th and 5th Prizes: Stardock, WinCustomize or PlanetAMD64 T-Shirt, winners choice.

5 Honorable Mentions: Just a mention and example of their excellent work placed on the Home page.


For Official Contest Rules or to enter, please visit:

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 02, 2005
Both links gives the message:

Board Message

Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.
The error returned was:

Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken.
on May 02, 2005
Thmassen, I believe that you might have to register at PlanetAMD64 to access that forum.
on May 02, 2005
Just FYI ... it may take a little while for a newly registered user's info to propogate through the system and allow access to the forums.
on May 02, 2005
I believe that you might have to register at PlanetAMD64 to access that forum

It may take a little while for a newly registered user's info to propogate through the system and allow access to the forums.

Ditto ...
on May 02, 2005
Does BootSkin work on x64???????

on May 02, 2005

BootSkin does not work on x64. We may do an update to do a "simple" bootscreen option for it, which would replace the image but not the progress indicator. Not something for this month though.

WindowBlinds has it's x64 version available, as does Multiplicity. WindowFX is in beta. IconPackager is coming (though the 32-bit one mostly works, there are some things we want to tweak). Other x64-related things are simmering here and there. 

on May 03, 2005
Nah, I'm not going 64-bit until all of Object Desktop is 64-bit!
on May 03, 2005
on May 04, 2005
All skins submitted become the property of PlanetAMD64. Authors will retain ownership of the designs but ALL submitted skins stays with us.

This seems a little contradictory. Exactly what rights are being signed away? What are you going to do with the submitted skins? This needs to be made more clear.

Frankly I think getting even good one WindowBlinds skin submitted is hard enough, let alone two. I would strongly advise you to drop the requirement for multiple skins.
on May 04, 2005
Frankly I think getting even good one WindowBlinds skin submitted is hard enough, let alone two. I would strongly advise you to drop the requirement for multiple skins.

Agreed. That seems to be a bit much.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on May 04, 2005

All skins submitted become the property of PlanetAMD64. Authors will retain ownership of the designs but ALL submitted skins stays with us.

That really is confusing.

Perhaps it is supposed to mean...."All skins' distribution rights transfer to PlanetAMD64.  Authors retain Authorship and skins will be credited as such."

Agreements to dilute an artist's property/distribution rights need to be clear and precise if you are to expect any serious submission/s.

This also pertains to those works that may or may not 'succeed' or 'win'.  Conditions of dissemination must be clear....

on May 04, 2005
I'm hoping GreenReaper's and Jafo's posts get answers quickly.
on May 05, 2005
I asked at the forums over at PlanetAMD because that confused me as well, I got this answer from }SkOrPn--':

'All skins submitted become the property of PlanetAMD64. Authors will retain ownership of the designs with rights to re-distribute themselves but the submitted skins stay with us. This just means we get exclusive rights to allow users to download these skins from our site from here on out.'
on May 08, 2005
BootSkin does not work on x64. We may do an update to do a "simple" bootscreen option for it, which would replace the image but not the progress indicator.

I guess no shirts for me.

When is BS+ going to come out (about)?
on May 08, 2005

'All skins submitted become the property of PlanetAMD64.

Still not 'good'.

'Property' and its inherent 'rights' needs to be defined.

They NEED to phrase it...

"All skins submitted to PlanetAMD64 are done so with the understanding that PlanetAMD64 retains non-exclusionary rights to their subsequent redistribution as and when they see fit.  This right in no way diminishes or excludes the inherent rights of the skins' authors."

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