On Computers is an Internet radio show that reaches over a hundred thousand IT professionals. This past Wednesday Larry Kuperman answered questions from interviewer Deepak Midha about how DesktopX can benefit corporate clients. The interview focused on two areas of opportunity for corporate customers. DesktopX Professional can help small companies create Desktop objects and easily export them as executibles, when these same companies would not in the past be able to afford the development time and expense to create something similiar. Larger companies can license this same technology as part of an on-going marketing campaign.

For companies with many employees, DesktopX offers an easy, effective way to create secure Desktops. Companies can lower their cost of operations and increase employee efficiency.

The interview can be heard over your internet connection by visiting the On Computers website: http://oncomputers.info/ Link

on Jan 18, 2004
cool!we get to hear what he sounds like
on Jan 18, 2004
Dangit,I slept till 11,will it be re-cast?