If you already have an active subscription to ObjectDesktop.net you can now get Object Desktop 2004 on CD for free other than shipping/media costs.
on Apr 06, 2004
on Apr 06, 2004
I think $15.00 shipping and handling is a little high.
on Apr 06, 2004
15.00 for Shipping thats NUTS for a CD

and yea i think everyine that got 2002 should get a copy sent to them for free
on Apr 06, 2004
Let's see maybe $1.00 for postage, 10 cents for the CD, less than 5 minutes of time say $1.40. Seems to me $2.50 sounds reasonable but, not $15.00
on Apr 06, 2004

Really? You could do it for $2.50? You should start your own shipping business then. Ever shipped something to say Argentina?

You can get blank CDs and manufacture a ready to use software package on that CD for 10 cents?

What shipping service do you use to get a package from the United States to say Germany for $1.00? 

It only takes you less than 300 seconds to "burn" the CD, put it in a DVD case, put the label on the CD and the DVD case, put it in a mailing package, process the user's name and address, print it out, put it on there?  That's amazing. And then the time to take these to your $1.00 per unit shipping place takes no time at all?

Clearly you should start your own software shipping business. We'd be your first customer. Because for us, it takes considerably longer to do the above. And shipping overseas costs several dollars. We also haven't found anywhere providing burned CDs for nearly as cheap you seem to.

Seriously, if you think $5 shipping is "too much" plus $5 media creation/packaging/processing then by all means, don't get the CD ROM image.

on Apr 06, 2004

Hippie, et all. You did NOT pay for a CD-ROM.  You bought Object Desktop at whatever point and you received that software.  We are simply providing a way for existing users to get it on CD now.  Since we're not set up to do massive shipping, there is some overhead.

But $5 to $10 (which is the shipping/handling part) is perfectly reasonable. It's only $5 if you're in North America. Overseas it varies dramatically. So we charge a flat $10 to keep it simple. If you don't need/want the CD then don't get it. You don't need a CD to run Object Desktop. But some people do like to have a CD archive of it.

on Apr 07, 2004
Me personaly, am on a fixed income and already budget part of my resources to support the community.
Instead of shipping, how bout providing a DL link like is aleady
being done. Stardock will send an e-mail with a link to DL the latest
version of your purchased items But,,,
I purchased the full Object Desktop, so I get a link to SD Central,
can't DL windowblinds, icon packager, ect. Couldn't Stardock
also send the links to the other apps too? I am sure that they already are available for single app purchases. Anyway, it's just a thought. I know that this person, and probably many others would
rejoice with much appreciation.
on Apr 07, 2004
$15 sounds reasonable........for those that think its too much, why not just update all ur Stardock apps through SD Central & burn the archive urselves?...everyone's happy then?
on Apr 07, 2004
I don't really care. Mine runs out in 2 months, and I'm not renewing it. I am just about sick of computer, after 30 years. All you do is update, update, update, update. Anyway, you get the picture. I'll stick with my guitar. Doesn't cost anything to learn or write a new song. Peace. Hippie
on Apr 07, 2004
I think the cost is not that ridiculous. The nature of the product of ODNT is internet delivery. Obviously there are added costs into making a CD product. And as already mentioned you can simply download everything and burn it yourself if cost is an issue.
I might get it as would facillitate reinstalling the programs faster if I ever needed to do that.
on Apr 07, 2004
15 Dollars to prepare and send something to Australia is very reasonable. You must have factored in a downhill run and a stiff tail wind. I will find the disc useful. Keep up the good work.
on Apr 12, 2004
I ordered this about two weeks ago. I got the CD only a few days after my order (as compared to stuff from other companies that takes close to a month quite often). The CD that arrived in the mail was missing a few critical files, I let Stardock know about it, and got a good CD at no extra cost only a couple of days later.


Good job Stardock