Under the terms of a licensure agreement, Samuraiworks of Japan has released a special version of WindowBlinds localized for the Japanese market.

Samuraiworks has also received permission from both Stardock and from many skin authors to offer a Japanese-language version of the WinCustomize site.

You can visit the Japanese WinCustomize site at https://www.wincustomize.jp/ and see the WindowBlinds site at http://www.windowblinds.jp/
on Aug 20, 2004

teh cool...
on Aug 20, 2004
aww isnt that special.

on Aug 20, 2004
Not that I can read Japanese or anything , but cool site.
on Aug 20, 2004
That is honestly amazing. Boggles my mind. A question, though, if I may:
If someone wants to have their skin on the Japanese site, would they have to upload it to Wincustomize AND Wincustomize.jp? It would be really cool if you could..like..click a checkbox while uploading so that it sends it to the Japanese site, as well. And maybe translates the description or something. I dunno, I just think that it would benefit skinners AS WELL AS the people who check that jp site.
on Aug 21, 2004
I think for your skins to work with the characters you have to design it a specific way. I think that is why they contacted some authors and they probably had to make some adjustments (plus I am sure they wanted as many skins as possible)
on Aug 21, 2004
Ecxellent, how can i upload my skins there?
on Aug 21, 2004
on Aug 21, 2004
Funny, first bit of the title translates as: UinKasutamaizu ~ WinCustomize in phonetic Japanese.
on Aug 23, 2004
I told this now for years, that most skins here (about 90%) wasn't running properly under japanese OS, but nobody listened. Great that things begin to change a bit.