Published on February 10, 2005 By Stardock Central In WinCustomize News
At long last the "BandVWM" has gotten its much needed, long overdue overhaul.  For something like 50 years (something like that) we've been telling people that a version 2 is "in the works".  Well, now you will be able to see what we've been working on. This is a complete, 100% rewrite.

Stardock Virtual Desktops enable people to split their single monitor into having  multiple "virtual" desktops.  What's new in version 2 over previous incarnations would be:

  • Each desktop can have its own wallpaper (and it doesn't slow down switching at all - no other program that we know of has managed to be able to have per desktop wallpapers and not slow down the changing, we figured out a way).
  • Per desktop hot key switching.
  • A hot key for toggling through the various virtual desktops
  • It's even faster than the original BandVWM.
  • Can have each desktop only have the tasks that are in that desktop show up on the Start bar.
  • Lots of other little nice tweaks and touches that make it highly useable.

It's only available on Object Desktop. If you already have it, it's a 1.9x beta called BandVWM. Just download it and you can currently use it in your Windows Start bar.  Support for DesktopX, ObjectBar, RightClick, and ControlCenter 2 is forthcoming.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 10, 2005
Very nice!

A great improvement, been waiting for this!
on Feb 10, 2005
I like it. I have been using the previous version quite a bit recently. These are really nice.
on Feb 10, 2005
Very nice.

on Feb 10, 2005
~~it doesn't slow down switching at all - no other program that we know of~~

Im using Dexpot 1.3 Link and I have no slow downs at all when switching between desktops. My computer isn't top of the line, and I end up having some heavy apps running on each desktop (ide's, photoshop, oracle, etc) so is not an easy switch.

Before I get flamed, I am NOT saying this program is bad in any way, just pointing out that another program can switch between desktops which have different wallpapers without slowing down.

Might fit into one of those "we know of" categories
on Feb 10, 2005
I never really used the old one, but thought I'd try this one out.

BUT ITS SO SLOW, taking 5+ seconds to switch. I've never really a bad time with any of Stardock software, but this one is really slow on my machine. I'm sure its something I have going on on my end. Just FYI to anyone from stardock, I have a Pentium 4 Processor 3.0 w/ HT 1 GB ram, 128MB Radean 9700 Pro (ATI) GC, a only two visible apps open with quite a few in the background/task bar (may be one of these).

I think I'll wait till its out of beta and try again.

Thanks though for keep adding to the Object Desktop Lineup.
--Update-- runs GREAT on my laptop (which is a WHOLE LOT SLOWER than my PC) so it must be something on my PC or in the hardware.
on Feb 10, 2005
A few hickups here and there. Once in a while when I switch, it takes a few seconds to respond, but most of the time it switches instantly.
Otherwise very nice. But here are a few suggestions for improvement:
- Allow mouse following: Be able to switch desktop when draging the mouse on the edge of the screen, as if if was one huge desktop 4 screens wide.
- Be able to have Desktop X widgets resident on every desktop
- Be able to change the wallpaper on every desktop even while running DX.
on Feb 10, 2005
Have been waiting for this for a LONG time Will be putting together a review of skinnable VWM's soon. Was going to include the old BandVWM because of its wallpaper changing capabilities, but this is much, much better. Kudos to the programmers!
on Feb 11, 2005
I have yet to test the last version.

What I like and remind me of Unix is the "drag windows from desktop 1 to desktop 2"
on Feb 11, 2005
Nice! Terrific app, glad to see you guys are improving it
on Feb 11, 2005
You can drag windows between desktops.
on Feb 11, 2005
Really nice update. Fast and useable.
on Feb 11, 2005
Works well, when running ICONX the wallpaper does not change between desktops. Widgets do not remain resident as well. Hope that can be ironed out. Looking good so far.
on Feb 11, 2005
Oh, how I wish it worked. I installed it, but it never added itself to the list of toolbars for the Taskbar.

Then again, I've got two instances of Windows Media Player, and I know that ain't right.

On the other hand, it installed without hassle and works wonderfully on my Thinkpad T20. So it looks like I've got some fiddlin' to do with my desktop PC.
on Feb 11, 2005
I found the same problem as Mark Busekroos. IconX hangs it up. Other than that I'm really digging it!
on Feb 11, 2005
Can't wait for the compatibility with RightClick and others! Seems to work great.
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